About Us

The SBC Regional Hub

We are here to provide transformative social & behaviour change programmes

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About Us

About Social and Behaviour Change Regional Hub

Social and Behaviour Change Regional Hub is a learning centre established under the Centre for Behaviour Change and Communication (CBCC). CBCC was established in 2011 with the aim of providing Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) programming across all sectors through innovative and evidence-based interventions that address change at multiple levels. Since its inception, CBCC has worked with international and local organizations, National and County Governments to provide effective Social and Behaviour Change solutions. Its footprint has been felt in over 35 counties in Kenya as well as across East Africa (Uganda, Somaliland, Rwanda and Tanzania).

CBCC specializes in Social and Behaviour Change Programming including Design, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Training, Capacity Strengthening and Research. This is done with an aim of community transformation and contributing towards SBC policy development and practice in Kenya and beyond.

Through working with various partners including National and County Governments, CBCC has developed and helped implement over 30 national strategies, guidelines, and manuals in Health, Water, Hygiene & Sanitation (WASH) and Agriculture, across the 47 counties in Kenya. In addition, CBCC has implemented over 36 projects and consultancies and partnered with 25 organizations, developed over 180 different print, audio and audio-visual messages and material addressing various technical areas and multiple audiences, and reached over 5 million people.

Our SBC Programmes


Executive Training Programme

This programme is designed for senior professionals and executives working across different sectors interested in steering transformative social & behaviour change programmes in their work.

Practitioners Training Programme

This programme is designed for professionals who want to be competent in planning, designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluating effective SBC programmes.

Emerging Professionals Training Programme

This programme is aimed at enabling emerging SBC professionals to link theory to practice and adequately prepare them for entry to the SBC sector and enhance their employability
Social and Behaviour Change

Why Social and Behaviour Change Training?

SBC interventions have increasingly been viewed as the key to addressing complex and dynamic issues at individual and societal level to influence lasting and sustainable change.

The Need

There is a very great need to integrate and invest in SBC as a pillar in development planning and to facilitate high impact achievements and efforts to address all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our Aim

At the SBC Regional Hub, we aim at strengthening the capacity of executives, practitioners and emerging SBC professionals and harness their skills in SBC programming to accelerate people-centred development.

Why choose Our Programmes

  • Our programmes are specially customized to meet the SBC needs of different stakeholders.
  • We have experienced SBC faculty members & practitioners.
  • We use a curriculum that has been implemented and its effectiveness tested across Africa.
  • We use competency-based methodologies and approaches.
  • There is opportunity to network and interact with SBC practitioners across different sectors.