USIU Africa and CBCC Partnership Agreement

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USIU Africa and Centre for Behaviour Change and Communication (CBCC), a Kenyan Organization, entered into a partnership agreement to offer short courses and certification programmes in Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) through the Social and Behaviour Change Regional Hub.

The two institutions signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sealing the partnership agreement and launching the beginning of a new dawn in SBC training in Kenya and the region. Through this training, USIU Africa will be the only institution in the region to offer courses in SBC. The programmes will be offered at the Department of Psychology in the School of Humanities.

SBC is the systematic application of interactive, theory-based, and research-driven processes and strategies to address social norms and behaviour change at the individual, community, society as well as change at organizational and systems level. SBC interventions are viewed as the key to addressing complex and dynamic issues at individual and societal level to influence lasting and sustainable change.

The MOU was signed by USIU Africa Vice Chancellor, Prof. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza and Centre for Behaviour Change and Communication (CBCC) MD, Mr. Peter L’parnoi on 9th October 2019 at the VC’s office. The event was witnessed by the faculty members from the Department of Psychology, Prof. Kihara, the Associate Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, representing the Dean School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the DVC, University Legal Officer and CBCC Team.

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Prof. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza and Mr. Peter L’parnoi after signing the MOU for partnership between the two institutions.

The Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) Regional Hub is a learning centre established under CBCC to address capacity needs of different players and stakeholders. The goal is to strengthen the capacity of individuals, organizations and systems to deliver positive outcomes across various sectors in the private and public organizations and in multiple levels including Regional, National, Counties, Sub-counties and Community.

CBCC is a leading institution in Social and Behaviour Change in the region. Since inception CBCC has influenced policy and practice and delivered positive outcomes that have transformed institutions and communities across Kenya and the region. CBCC demonstrated expertise in programme design, planning, implementation, evaluation, training, capacity strengthening and research. The organization has partnered with government and other implementing partners in both public and private sector within Kenya and the region to deliver SBC programmes that have informed policy and practice and resulted in community transformation.

Speaking during the event, Prof. Tiyambe said external partnerships is a key priority area for the university and that this new USIU-CBCC partnership was strategic in fostering research, capacity strengthening, community engagement/service, as well as preparing students and staff to be change agents in the community. The VC emphasized on the current need for focused interventions to address many emerging issues at both individual and organizational levels. He particularly brought out mental health as an area that needs a lot of attention, pointing out that this partnership will be extremely useful in promoting these focused interventions.

Prof. Arasa, Chair Department of Psychology speaking during the event.

Prof. Josephine Arasa, Chairperson of the Psychology Department reiterated the centrality of USIU AFRICA – CBCC partnership in creating complementarity and augmenting the existing courses. She further highlighted that the SBC training.

fits well into the department’s goal and curriculum and will complement what the department is already doing in terms of competent student-oriented teaching, research and community service. She praised the members of faculty and CBCC team for working tirelessly together including reviewing the SBC curriculum that will be used and making sure that it is aligned to the university policy.

On his part, Mr. Peter L’parnoi highlighted that USIU has distinguished herself as a credible, professional university in the region with a vision to be a premier institution of academic excellence with a global perspective and has continued to provide excellent academic programmes.

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USIU Africa VC, CBCC MD, USIU Department of Psychology faculty, DVC, University Legal Officer and CBCC staff pose for a group photo after signing the MOU for partnership between the two institutions.

He exemplified the institution noting that ‘beneath its foundations, is the oil reservoir that would fuel change that is much needed in Kenya and the region’.

He emphasized that for CBCC, this partnership with USIU opens a great opportunity for attainment of positive societal impact through empowering governments and private sector for posterity.

Dr. Lengewa, the Technical and Strategy Director at CBCC was grateful for this partnership, noting that SBC capacity strengthening is an integral pillar in facilitating high impact achievements and efforts to address all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is also a driver and accelerator for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and a core function of any programme aimed at creating lasting and sustainable change.

The SBC Training and Certification Programmes, which will be hosted at USIU Africa will offer three major packages:
Executive SBC
EXECUTIVE SBC TRAINING: Designed for senior professionals and executives working across different sectors interested in steering transformative social and behaviour change programmes in their work to deliver positive outcomes. The programme targets heads of programmes, senior officials and legislators in regional, national and county governments from Kenya and the region, project leaders from international & local NGOs, faith-based organizations, heads of Corporate Social Responsibility units (CSR) in organizations, heads of advertising and public relations agencies among others.
SBC PRACTITIONERS TRAINING: Designed for professionals who want to be competent in planning, designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluating effective SBC programmes. It introduces innovative and evidence-based SBC approaches applicable across different sectors. The programme targets programme implementers from different countries, regional, national, and county governments, senior and middle level officers in international & local NGOs and faith based organizations from different sectors such as: health, education, agriculture, livelihoods, finance, governance and democracy; managers, senior and middle level officers from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) units in organizations, managers, senior and middle level officers from advertising and public relations agencies.
EMERGING SBC PROFESSIONALS AND EMPLOYABILITY TRAINING: Designed to enhance the skills and capacity of emerging SBC professionals, enabling them to link theory to practice and adequately preparing them for entry to the SBC sector, and enhancing their employability. The programme will train and nurture future SBC professionals whilst providing networking, mentoring, and role modelling best practices. The programme targets students/fresh graduates and post graduate level students in communication, public health, nutrition, agriculture, social development, psychology and other development fields.

The programmes will commence in January 2020 with the faculty being drawn from USIU Africa, CBCC and other practicing experts. Visit for more information on the programmes and application.

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